马来西亚九吉公贡巴藏蜜 Jiu Ji Gong Gong Ba Zang Mi Malaysia
The Plateau Tibetan Honey from the Himalaya / Jiu Ji Gong Gong Ba Zang Mi
📣 建议调理2个月疗程(就是购买2盒配套 – 原价RM276) ,现在2盒贡巴藏蜜才 RM250
品名:贡巴藏蜜, 也称为百花蜜 或 黄金蜜
配料: 高原百花蜂蜜
蜜源地:云南 . 迪庆藏族自治区
产品执行标准号码:GB 14963
产地:云南 . 昆明
保质期: 24个月
重量 :408克/ 一盒34条,12克/条
营养成分:含有能糖、果糖、维生素 有机酸、矿物质、活性響180余种营养成分,被为大自然中最 完美的养食品”、“老年人的牛奶”、天賜的礼物
Product Name:Tibetan Gongba Honey / Gong Ba Zang Mi
Ingredients: Honey from multiple flowers from the Himalaya Hills
Origin: Himalayan, Deqen Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
How to consume: Mix with 75ml of warm water below 50C or direct consumption
Product Code: GB 14963
Production License Number: SC12153011129994
Production Company: Guangzhou Baiyunshan Jingxiutang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (*Translate from Mandarin)
Shelf life: 24th Months / 2 years
Net Weight: 408gram/ 1 box contain 34 sachets, 12g/ sachets
Storage: Avoid direct sunlight; keep in a cool dry place.
Kind reminder: Gongba honey has a natural tendency to crystallize over time or due to changes of temperature with no effect on the honey other than taste, color, and texture.
Nutritions:Tibetan Gongba Honey contains more than 180 nutrients including glucose, fructose, vitamins, organic acid, minerals and active enzymes known as ” The most perfect nutritious food in nature”, ” A gift from heaven”.
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